Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Transport to Kindred West Covina

Keith was successfully transported to Kindred West Covina today. We wanted to make sure got the best care possible. We had our Management and Supervisor team complete the transport with RN Lead Rick Kaplan, Respiratory Therapist Sam Newman, Safety Manager Randy Marshman and driving was Marketing Coordinator/EMT Jonathan Harper. Operations Supervisor Pedro Flores and Operations Manager Danny Santillan assisted in the movement of Keith and followed to assist in placing him comfortably in his bed. Our staff took the time to meet with the facility Administrator, Nursing Staff and Respiratory Therapist to share who Keith is to all of us. He is in good hands.

The staff involved in the transport said it was one of the hardest things they have ever done. Many have not seen Keith since the accident. Just over two weeks ago we were all laughing with Keith.

Danny and I recalled the day before his accident when we went to Curley’s Restaurant after getting set up for the Grand Prix. Keith had been on quite the health kick for the last few months and had lost weight. As Keith relaxed for what he knew would be a weekend of unhealthy eating, Danny and I gave each other a high five and said “Keith is back” as he chowed down a sandwich, fries and a taquito. We look forward to a “high five” when Keith is back and we are able to sit down and have a meal with him again…soon!

Keith is in good hands. Please pray for his family and for continued healing. Keep Keith, Jenny and the family in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. Great to hear that Keith has made the next step in recovery, AND that he can be aware of his surroundings, remember people, and joke around. And it's a bonus that he's closer to home. We'll keep praying!
