Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Keith MacLellan

My name is Nino. I work with Keith (Operations Manager and Paramedic Coordinator for Bowers Ambulance,) and I would like to share his story.

Friday, April 17 Keith and I were at the Long Beach Grand Prix. He was very excited because not only was it the day of the race, it also happened to be my birthday! He talked about how we were going to celebrate it that night, we were both very excited. Keith was talking about how he was look ing forward to having steak dinner.

3:30 pm that day, I left the race to pick up my daughter. Everything was looking good; perfect for a great day. Then at 8:00 pm my friend and co-worker, Danny who was with Keith at the time, called me. He said, "Bad news, brother. Keith is in the emergency room. He fell from a golf cart." I thought it was a joke and begun to get angry at him, telling him that it was not funny or something to joke about.

Learning that he wasn't joking, I was taken aback. He had also told me that he was unconscious, was bleeding from the brain, and things weren't looking good. Paul (VP of Bowers Ambulance) was first to get the horrifying news from the E.R. doctor that things did not look good! First assumption and call to Jenny, Keith's wife, was that he had a broken nose. As Brian And Ray (owners of Bowers,) co-workers, friends and families all gathered, our hearts all began to break as we learned things were more serious than a broken nose. I rushed to the emergency room, with all kinds of horrible thoughts in my head. Between prayer and fear, on my way to the hospital, I was horrified.

Once i had arrived, Keith's family and co-workers and friends were already there in tears. They told me what had transpired and that he would be receiving an emergency operation, and worry was written all over their faces. I waited outside, until they let us into the surgery waiting room. The brain swelling was so bad that they had to open up his skull to relieve the pressure.

Then all we could do was wait, it seemed like the longest three hours of my life.

Afterwords, they had informed us that we could see Keith once he was settled in the ICU. The operation was successful and the pressure was relieved. His brain had responded to the procedure and the swelling had subsided.

1 comment:

  1. On Friday the 17 of April both Keith and I were very excited about the Grand Prix weekend. We had mention the day before that whoever woke up first would call and wake up each other. Around 0330 I received the call from Keith by him saying wake up “SPANKY”. Don’t know why that was my nick name but he has called me that since we met. Keith and I have been very close since I started with Bowers Ambulance in 2007. Keith has been the guy that has lead me in the right direction and showed me a lot about operation and the company , he has been one of my mentors and I owe a lot to him. Keith is more than just a friend. Keith and I would always talk on the phone about work or just to past time, we would be on the phone so much that Jennie and my wife would yell at us to give them attention. On that afternoon around 1500 I remember us talking to Nino about how we were going to celebrate his Birthday. At the time of the accident it was like a bad dream I couldn’t believe it I didn’t want to believe it. We rushed to the hospital to see what had happen, we heard that he had suffered a brain injury. At that time I was in disbelief on what had happen. I waited in the surgery waiting room for the longest two hours of my life. We have lots of hope and will support you all the way bud. Keith we will continue to pray for you and your beautiful family. Continue to be the strong guy that you are bud we will get through this.
